Building Support
After key leaders in the district understand and support Texas Scholars, it is important to make sure that ALL administrators, counselors and teachers are familiar with the program and support its implementation. If possible, a formal presentation by someone from the leadership team is the most effective way to get everyone on the same page. Be sure to cover the implementation plan and the expectations for everyone involved.
Using New Communication Capabilities and Features
To facilitate communication among all of the parties involved in the Texas Scholars program, the Texas Business and Education has established a Texas Scholars profile page on the “Get There Texas” social media network. Participants in the Texas Scholars program should register as individuals on the “Get There Texas” network and be a friend with the Texas Scholars profile. This new social media capability allows each community/school district to establish their own Texas Scholars group for sharing and communicating among the different participants. A long term working relationship can be established through the use of this social media tool.
For easy access to high quality education, career, and personal planning tools, TBEC has created a Texas Scholars Dynamic Link that can be placed on school district, high school, or organizational websites. When people click on the link, it will take them to a landing page with important planning information for students/parents or updates on the Texas Scholars Recognition program and activities.
Integrating Scholars into regular District and Campus ActivitiesAlthough Texas Scholars sounds like an add-on program, it is most effective when integrated into the regular activities the district and campuses use to support student success. For instance, Texas Scholars encourages career exploration. Many school districts build this into their middle school program and continue its implementation in high school.
Each school district is encouraged to have students develop an individual 4-, 6-, or 8-year plan for high school and transition to college, the workplace, or the military. TBEC recommends that school districts use the Achieve Texas Education and Career Planning System as the planning tool for all students starting in the middle school.
In the CommunityHelping parents understand the commitment Texas Scholars requires and the benefits of earning that recognition is another critical element of the program. There are several options for informing parents. Again, the best way is through a formal presentation at PTA meetings, college nights, open houses and other such events. Sending printed information to the home accompanied by a letter from the principal or superintendent is also effective.
Civic and business organizations in the community are always looking for ways they can support student achievement. Build their awareness of the Scholars initiative through luncheon presentations. Explore ways they can participate directly as volunteers or help provide incentives to aspiring Texas Scholars.
The media should also be kept informed and given an opportunity to report on Scholars activities. The volunteer presentations and senior recognition ceremony are newsworthy topics in most communities.