TBEC Achieve Texas
TEXAS BUSINESS AND EDUCATION COALITION ACHIEVE TEXAS INITIATIVESThe Texas Business and Education Coalition has joined forces with Kuder, Inc., to create the TBEC Achieve Texas Education and Career Planning System, a comprehensive Internet-based education and career planning tool that will provide students and adults across the state access to educational, postsecondary, and career planning resources. The Education and Career Planning System is being used to support the Texas Education Agency Achieve Texas initiative.
The TBEC Achieve Texas Education and Career Planning tools are the first part of a comprehensive system that will ultimately serve the education and career planning needs of every Texas citizen. By using the system, educators and businesse leaders across the state will be able to make informed education, workforce and economic develoment decisions. Students will be able to create personal roadmaps for success, allowing them to connect what they learn today with their evolving career interests and future employment opportunities, and adults will be able to use the system to plan how they can update their skills to remain current and meet the needs of an ever-changing job market.
The TBEC Achieve Texas Education and Career Planning tools support highly personalized career exploration and educational planning through user completion of research-based assessments that help individuals understand what they like to do, what they are good at doing, and the kind of work environment they prefer. Schools and students can use the system to create four-, six-, and eight-year education plans, explore colleges and careers across the state, research opportunities for financial aid - all of this and more, from a single web site. As an Internet-based system, students, their parents/guardians, adults, and educators can access the system at any time from wherever they are - school, the library, workforce resources centers, or even at home. When an individual establishes an account, the system creates and maintains a lifetime portfolio for the user at no cost.
From an economic development and business viewpoint, the system provides student and adult career interest reports that can be compared with regional and state workforce needs. It provides a mechanism for making students aware of new and emerging fields and the availability of opportunities in high-demand careers involving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The student and adult reports provide information needed to tailor class offerings, plan new programs, and attract new businesses.
Dr. Charly Simmons, Texas Field Manager, Kuder, Inc., will provide additional information. Contact at .